8.1. Environment and Status Commands

These commands are used to check the status of your environment. Required parameters are indicated with a *.

8.1.1. classpath

Displays the runtime classpath. This can be useful for debugging class-loading issues.

8.1.2. env

Displays SimpleFeatureTypes and GeoMesa converters available on the classpath. See Defining Simple Feature Types and Defining Simple Feature Converters for more information on adding SimpleFeatureTypes and converters to the classpath.



-s, --sfts

Describe a specific SimpleFeatureType

-c, --converters

Describe a specific converter


Describe all SimpleFeatureTypes


Describe all converters


List all available converter names


List all available type names


Format to output SimpleFeatureTypes, one of typesafe or spec


Render the output without unnecessary whitespace


Don’t include user data in output

8.1.3. help

Lists available commands. The arguments for specific commands can be shown using help <command>.

8.1.4. ng

The ng command can be used to start, stop, get stats, or view the classpath from the command Nailgun server. See Nailgun Server for details.

8.1.5. version

Displays the version of the GeoMesa distribution.

8.1.6. version-remote

Displays the version of GeoMesa installed on the remote cluster, if available. This can be useful to ensure GeoMesa versions match across an install.