8.9. Remote File System Support

Through Hadoop’s file system support, GeoMesa supports ingesting files directly from remote file systems, including Amazon’s S3 and Microsoft’s Azure.

Note: the examples below use the Accumulo tools, but should work with any other distribution as well.

8.9.1. Enabling S3 Ingest

Hadoop ships with implementations of S3-based filesystems, which can be enabled in the Hadoop configuration used with GeoMesa tools. Specifically, GeoMesa tools can perform ingests using both the second-generation (s3n) and third-generation (s3a) filesystems. Edit the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/core-site.xml file in your Hadoop installation, as shown below (these instructions apply to Hadoop 2.5.0 and higher). Note that you must have the environment variable $HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME set properly in your environment. Some configurations can substitute $HADOOP_PREFIX in the classpath values below.


AWS credentials are valuable! They pay for services and control read and write protection for data. If you are running GeoMesa on AWS EC2 instances, it is recommended to use the s3a filesystem. With s3a, you can omit the Access Key Id and Secret Access keys from core-site.xml and rely on IAM roles. Configuration

For s3a:

<!-- core-site.xml -->
    <description>The classpath specifically for Map-Reduce jobs. This override is needed so that s3 URLs work on Hadoop 2.6.0+</description>

<!-- OMIT these keys if running on AWS EC2; use IAM roles instead -->
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>
    <description>Valuable credential - do not commit to CM</description>

After you have enabled S3 in your Hadoop configuration you can ingest with GeoMesa tools. Note that you can still use the Kleene star (*) with S3.:

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -p password -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s yourspec -C convert s3a://bucket/path/file*

For s3n:

<!-- core-site.xml -->
<!-- Note that you need to make sure HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME is set or some other way of getting this on the classpath -->
    <description>The classpath specifically for map-reduce jobs. This override is needed so that s3 URLs work on hadoop 2.6.0+</description>
    <description>Tell hadoop which class to use to access s3 URLs. This change became necessary in hadoop 2.6.0</description>
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>
    <value>XXXX YOURS HERE</value>

S3n paths are prefixed in hadoop with s3n:// as shown below:

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -p password \
  -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s yourspec \
  -C convert s3n://bucket/path/file s3n://bucket/path/*

8.9.2. Enabling Azure Ingest

Hadoop ships with implementations of Azure-based filesystems, which can be enabled in the Hadoop configuration used with GeoMesa tools. Specifically, GeoMesa tools can perform ingests using the wasb and wasbs filesystems. Edit the $HADOOP_CONF_DIR/core-site.xml file in your Hadoop installation as shown below (these instructions apply to Hadoop 2.5.0 and higher). In addition, the hadoop-azure and azure-storage JARs need to be available.


Azure credentials are valuable! They pay for services and control read and write protection for data. Be sure to keep your core-site.xml configuration file safe. It is recommended that you use Azure’s SSL enable file protocol variant wasbs where possible. Configuration

To enable, place the following in your Hadoop Installation’s core-site.xml.

<!-- core-site.xml -->
  <value>XXXX YOUR ACCOUNT KEY</value>

After you have enabled Azure in your Hadoop configuration you can ingest with GeoMesa tools. Note that you can still use the Kleene star (*) with Azure.:

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -p password \
  -c geomesa_catalog -i instance -s yourspec \
  -C convert wasb://CONTAINER@ACCOUNTNAME.blob.core.windows.net/files/*