14.10. GeoMesa Raster


GeoMesa raster support is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

The Raster support in GeoMesa (the geomesa-accumulo/geomesa-accumulo-raster module) is currently limited in scope and has a few important caveats that are noted here.

The Raster support was intended to contain image pyramids that are EPSG:4326 with tiles on the order of Kb in size. Any rasters will need to be tiled prior to ingest, and the tiles must have disjoint extents.

14.10.1. Installation

Raster support requires that the raster-specific Accumulo runtime jar be installed in Accumulo. Follow the instructions at Installing the Accumulo Distributed Runtime Library, but be sure to use the geomesa-accumulo-raster-distributed-runtime JAR instead of the standard geomesa-accumulo-distributed-runtime JAR.

14.10.2. Ingest

Currently ingest is accomplished by using the ingest-raster command in the GeoMesa Accumulo command line tools. See ingest-raster for more information.

14.10.3. GeoServer

Raster integration with GeoServer requires that the standard GeoMesa Accumulo plugin is installed, as described in Installing GeoMesa Accumulo in GeoServer. In addition, the geomesa-gs-raster JAR must be installed from the GeoMesa GeoServer project. It may be built from source, or is available from Maven central:


Once installed, you can add a raster store with the “Accumulo (Geomesa Raster)” coverage store in the GeoServer UI. Once a layer is published the data can be queried via WMS and WCS 1.0.0. Currently the Plugin is biased to grab tiles at a finer spatial resolution than the wms query window, and will down-sample the mosaic.