
package geotools

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. geotools
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. class AtomicWriteTransaction extends Transaction

    Transaction object that enforces atomic writes - this ensures that a feature is not modified between when it's read and when it's updated.

    Transaction object that enforces atomic writes - this ensures that a feature is not modified between when it's read and when it's updated. Does not support normal transaction operations, such as commit or rollback, and instead operates like auto-commit.

  2. type GeoMeasBaseStore = DataStore with HasGeoMesaFeatureReader with HasGeoMesaStats
  3. abstract class GeoMesaDataStore[DS <: GeoMesaDataStore[DS]] extends MetadataBackedDataStore with HasGeoMesaStats

    Abstract base class for data store implementations on top of distributed databases

    Abstract base class for data store implementations on top of distributed databases


    type of this data store

  4. class GeoMesaFeatureCollection extends GeoMesaFeatureVisitingCollection

    Feature collection implementation

  5. class GeoMesaFeatureReader extends AnyRef
  6. class GeoMesaFeatureSource extends SimpleFeatureSource with LazyLogging
  7. class GeoMesaFeatureStore extends GeoMesaFeatureSource with SimpleFeatureStore
  8. trait GeoMesaFeatureWriter[DS <: GeoMesaDataStore[DS]] extends SimpleFeatureWriter with Flushable with LazyLogging
  9. abstract class MetadataBackedDataStore extends DataStore with HasGeoMesaMetadata[String] with HasGeoMesaFeatureReader with DistributedLocking with LazyLogging

    Abstract base class for data store implementations using metadata to track schemas

Value Members

  1. object GeoMesaDataStore extends LazyLogging
  2. object GeoMesaDataStoreFactory
  3. object GeoMesaFeatureCollection extends LazyLogging
  4. object GeoMesaFeatureReader extends MethodProfiling
  5. object GeoMesaFeatureSource
  6. object GeoMesaFeatureWriter extends LazyLogging
  7. object MetadataBackedDataStore

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
