package convert2

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. convert2
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractCompositeConverter[T <: AnyRef] extends SimpleFeatureConverter with LazyLogging
  2. abstract class AbstractConverter[T, C <: ConverterConfig, F <: Field, O <: ConverterOptions] extends SimpleFeatureConverter with ParsingConverter[T] with LazyLogging

    Abstract converter implementation.

    Abstract converter implementation. Typically paired with an AbstractConverterFactory. If so, needs to have a default constructor consisting of (targetSft, config, fields, options), so that the AbstractConverterFactory can instantiate it via reflection.

    Subclasses need to implement read to parse the underlying input stream into raw values that will be transformed to simple features.


    intermediate parsed values binding


    config binding


    field binding


    options binding

  3. abstract class AbstractConverterFactory[S <: AbstractConverter[_, C, F, O], C <: ConverterConfig, F <: Field, O <: ConverterOptions] extends SimpleFeatureConverterFactory

    Abstract converter factory implementation.

    Abstract converter factory implementation. Subclasses need to implement typeToProcess and make available pureconfig readers for the converter configuration

    The converter to use is identified by the 'type' field in the config, e.g. 'xml' or 'json'

  4. trait ConverterConfig extends AnyRef
  5. trait ConverterOptions extends AnyRef
  6. class ErrorHandlingIterator[T] extends CloseableIterator[T] with LazyLogging

    Handles errors from the underlying parsing of data, before converting to simple features

  7. trait Field extends AnyRef
  8. trait ParsingConverter[T] extends SimpleFeatureConverter

    Converter that parses out intermediate values from an input stream

    Converter that parses out intermediate values from an input stream


    type binding

  9. trait SimpleFeatureConverter extends Closeable with LazyLogging

    Converts input streams into simple features.

    Converts input streams into simple features. SimpleFeatureConverters should be thread-safe. However, a given EvaluationContext should only be used in a single thread at once.

  10. trait SimpleFeatureConverterFactory extends LazyLogging

Value Members

  1. def multiTry[T](attempts: Iterator[Try[T]], failure: Throwable): Try[T]

    Try a sequence of attempts.

    Try a sequence of attempts. Return the first success. If there are no successes, Failures will be added as suppressed exceptions.


    attempt type




    umbrella exception in case of failure

  2. object AbstractCompositeConverter
  3. object AbstractConverter
  4. object AbstractConverterFactory extends LazyLogging
  5. object SimpleFeatureConverter extends StrictLogging
  6. object TypeInference

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
