User Manual¶
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Getting Started
- 3. Versions and Downloads
- 4. Installation
- 5. Architecture Overview
- 6. GeoTools Overview
- 7. GeoMesa Data Stores
- 7.1. GeoTools Feature Types
- 7.2. JSON Attributes
- 7.3. Index Overview
- 7.4. Index Basics
- 7.5. Index Versioning
- 7.6. Additional Index Implementations
- 7.7. Index Configuration
- 7.8. Runtime Configuration
- 7.9. Query Planning
- 7.10. Explaining Query Plans
- 7.11. Query Interceptors and Guards
- 7.12. Query Properties
- 7.13. Filter Functions
- 7.14. Analytic Querying
- 7.15. Data Security
- 7.16. Query Auditing
- 7.17. Moving and Migrating Data
- 7.18. Reserved Words
- 8. Command-Line Tools
- 8.1. Environment and Status Commands
- 8.2. Schema Commands
- 8.3. Ingest Commands
- 8.4. Query and Export Commands
- 8.5. Analytic Commands
- 8.6. Defining Simple Feature Types
- 8.7. Defining Simple Feature Converters
- 8.8. Logging Configuration
- 8.9. Remote File System Support
- 8.10. GeoMesa Scala Console
- 8.11. Nailgun Server
- 8.12. GeoTools Command-Line Tools
- 9. GeoMesa Converters
- 9.1. Converter Basics
- 9.2. Parsing and Validation
- 9.3. Using Caches for Enrichment
- 9.4. Using Converters with the Command-Line Tools
- 9.5. Using Converters Programmatically
- 9.6. Delimited Text Converter
- 9.7. JSON Converter
- 9.8. XML Converter
- 9.9. Avro Converter
- 9.10. Avro Schema Registry Converter
- 9.11. Parquet Converter
- 9.12. Shapefile Converter
- 9.13. Fixed-Width Text Converter
- 9.14. JDBC Converter
- 9.15. Composite Converters
- 9.16. Prepackaged Converter Definitions
- 9.17. Transformation Function Overview
- 9.18. Transformation Function Usage
- 9.19. Extending the Converter Library
- 10. GeoServer Plugins
- 11. GeoMesa Spark
- 12. GeoMesa NiFi Bundle
- 13. GeoMesa Processes
- 14. HBase Data Store
- 14.1. Installing GeoMesa HBase
- 14.2. Manual Coprocessors Registration
- 14.3. HBase Data Store Parameters
- 14.4. Using the HBase Data Store in GeoServer
- 14.5. HBase Command-Line Tools
- 14.6. HBase Configuration
- 14.7. HBase Index Configuration
- 14.8. HBase Visibilities
- 14.9. Kerberos
- 14.10. HBase Heatmaps
- 15. Accumulo Data Store
- 15.1. Installing GeoMesa Accumulo
- 15.2. Accumulo Data Store Parameters
- 15.3. Using the Accumulo Data Store in GeoServer
- 15.4. Accumulo Command-Line Tools
- 15.5. Accumulo Configuration
- 15.6. Accumulo Index Configuration
- 15.7. GeoMesa Jobs
- 15.8. Atomic Write Operations
- 15.9. Kerberos
- 15.10. Command Line Examples
- 16. Cassandra Data Store
- 17. Kafka Data Store
- 17.1. Installing GeoMesa Kafka
- 17.2. Kafka Data Store Parameters
- 17.3. Data Producers
- 17.4. Data Consumers
- 17.5. Using the Kafka Data Store in GeoServer
- 17.6. Kafka Command-Line Tools
- 17.7. Kafka Index Configuration
- 17.8. Data Management
- 17.9. Transactional Writes
- 17.10. Kafka Feature Events
- 17.11. Layer Views
- 17.12. Confluent Integration
- 17.13. Kafka Streams Integration
- 17.14. Zookeeper-less Usage
- 18. Redis Data Store
- 19. FileSystem Data Store
- 19.1. Architecture
- 19.2. Installing GeoMesa FileSystem
- 19.3. FileSystem Data Store Parameters
- 19.4. Using the FileSystem Data Store in GeoServer
- 19.5. FileSystem Command-Line Tools
- 19.6. FileSystem DataStore Configuration
- 19.7. Index Configuration
- 19.8. Partition Schemes
- 19.9. FileSystem Metadata
- 19.10. Modifying Features
- 19.11. FileSystem Data Store Example
- 19.12. FileSystem Data Store Spark SQL Example
- 20. Partitioned PostGIS Data Store
- 21. Lambda Data Store
- 22. Combined Data Store Views
- 23. Upgrade Guide
- 23.1. Compatibility Across Versions
- 23.2. Version 5.1.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.3. Version 5.0.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.4. Version 4.0.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.5. Version 3.5.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.6. Version 3.3.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.7. Version 3.2.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.8. Version 3.1.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.9. Version 3.0.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.10. Version 2.4.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.11. Version 2.3.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.12. Version 2.2.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.13. Version 2.1.0 Upgrade Guide
- 23.14. Version 2.0.0 Upgrade Guide