9. GeoMesa Converters¶
GeoMesa Convert is a configurable and extensible library for converting data into GeoTools SimpleFeature
which can then be written to GeoMesa. The convert library is the easiest way to ingest data into
GeoMesa, and ships with the GeoMesa command-line tools. Data types are defined in the JSON-like
HOCON format, which allows for ingesting a wide
variety of data without any custom code.
Converter definitions are provided out-of-the-box for some common open-source data sets, including Twitter and GDELT; see Prepackaged Converter Definitions for details. In addition, common file formats such as GeoJSON, delimited text, or self-describing Avro can often be ingested without a converter. See ingest for details.
- 9.1. Converter Basics
- 9.2. Parsing and Validation
- 9.3. Using Caches for Enrichment
- 9.4. Using Converters with the Command-Line Tools
- 9.5. Using Converters Programmatically
- 9.6. Delimited Text Converter
- 9.7. JSON Converter
- 9.8. XML Converter
- 9.9. Avro Converter
- 9.10. Avro Schema Registry Converter
- 9.11. Parquet Converter
- 9.12. Shapefile Converter
- 9.13. Fixed-Width Text Converter
- 9.14. JDBC Converter
- 9.15. Composite Converters
- 9.16. Prepackaged Converter Definitions
- 9.17. Transformation Function Overview
- 9.18. Transformation Function Usage
- 9.19. Extending the Converter Library