19.1. Installing GeoMesa Redis


GeoMesa currently supports Redis version 5.0.x.

19.1.1. Installing the Binary Distribution

GeoMesa Redis artifacts are available for download or can be built from source. The easiest way to get started is to download the most recent binary version from GitHub.


In the following examples, replace ${TAG} with the corresponding GeoMesa version (e.g. 3.3.0), and ${VERSION} with the appropriate Scala plus GeoMesa versions (e.g. 2.12-3.3.0).

Extract it somewhere convenient:

# download and unpackage the most recent distribution:
$ wget "https://github.com/locationtech/geomesa/releases/download/geomesa-${TAG}/geomesa-redis_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz"
$ tar xvf geomesa-redis_${VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
$ cd geomesa-redis_${VERSION}
$ ls
bin/  conf/  dist/  docs/  examples/  lib/  LICENSE.txt  logs/

19.1.2. Building from Source

GeoMesa Redis may also be built from source. For more information refer to Building from Source in the developer manual, or to the README.md file in the the source distribution. The remainder of the instructions in this chapter assume the use of the binary GeoMesa Redis distribution. If you have built from source, the distribution is created in the target directory of geomesa-redis/geomesa-redis-dist.

More information about developing with GeoMesa may be found in the Developer Manual.

19.1.3. Setting up the Redis Command Line Tools

GeoMesa comes with a set of command line tools for managing Redis features located in geomesa-redis_${VERSION}/bin/ of the binary distribution.


See Logging Configuration for information about configuring the SLF4J implementation.

Test the command that invokes the GeoMesa Tools:

$ ./bin/geomesa-redis
INFO  Usage: geomesa-redis [command] [command options]

For more details on the available commands, see Using the Redis Command-Line Tools.

Due to licensing restrictions, dependencies for shape file support must be separately installed. Do this with the following command:

$ ./bin/install-shapefile-support.sh

Use the geomesa-redis classpath command in order to see what JARs are being used.

If the classpath needs to be modified, geomesa-redis will pull additional entries from the GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS environment variable, if it is defined.

Note that the GEOMESA_EXTRA_CLASSPATHS variable follows standard Java Classpath conventions, which generally means that entries must be directories, JAR, or zip files. Individual XML files will be ignored. For example, to add a core-site.xml file to the classpath you must either include a directory on the classpath or add the file to a zip or JAR archive to be included on the classpath.

19.1.4. Installing GeoMesa Redis in GeoServer


See GeoServer Versions to ensure that GeoServer is compatible with your GeoMesa version.

The Redis GeoServer plugin is bundled by default in a GeoMesa binary distribution. To install, extract $GEOMESA_REDIS_HOME/dist/gs-plugins/geomesa-redis-gs-plugin_${VERSION}-install.tar.gz into GeoServer’s WEB-INF/lib directory.

Restart GeoServer after the JARs are installed. See Using the Redis Data Store in GeoServer for details on configuring stores and layers.