12.1. Installation

12.1.1. Get the Processors

The GeoMesa NiFi processors are available for download from GitHub.

Alternatively, you may build the processors from source. First, clone the project from GitHub. Pick a reasonable directory on your machine, and run:

$ git clone https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-nifi.git
$ cd geomesa-nifi

To build the project, run:

$ mvn clean install

The nar contains bundled dependencies. To change the dependency versions, modify the version properties (<hbase.version>, etc) in the pom.xml before building.

12.1.2. Install the Processors

To install the GeoMesa processors you will need to copy the nar files into the lib directory of your NiFi installation. There currently two common nar files, and seven datastore-specific nar files.

Common nar files:

  • geomesa-datastore-services-api-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-datastore-services-nar-$VERSION.nar

Datastore nar files:

  • geomesa-kafka-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-hbase1-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-hbase2-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-redis-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-accumulo1-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-accumulo2-nar-$VERSION.nar

  • geomesa-fs-nar-$VERSION.nar

The common nar files are required for all datastores. The datastore-specific nars can be installed as needed.


There are two HBase and Accumulo nars that correspond to HBase/Accumulo 1.x and HBase/Accumulo 2.x, respectively. Be sure to choose the appropriate nar for your database version.

If you downloaded the nars from GitHub:

$ export NARS="geomesa-hbase2-nar geomesa-datastore-services-api-nar geomesa-datastore-services-nar"
$ for nar in $NARS; do wget "https://github.com/geomesa/geomesa-nifi/releases/download/geomesa-nifi-$VERSION/$nar-$VERSION.nar"; done
$ mv *.nar $NIFI_HOME/lib/

Or, to install the nars after building from source:

$ export NARS="geomesa-hbase2-nar geomesa-datastore-services-api-nar geomesa-datastore-services-nar"
$ for nar in $NARS; do find . -name $nar-$VERSION.nar -exec cp {} $NIFI_HOME/lib/ \;; done