GeoMesa Metrics

GeoMesa provides integration with the DropWizard Metrics library for real-time reporting with the geomesa-metrics module.

Reporters are available for SLF4J, CloudWatch, Graphite, and Ganglia.


Reporters are configured via TypeSafe Config. All reporters share a few common properties:

Configuration Property Description
rate-units The Java TimeUnit used to report rates, e.g seconds, minutes, etc. For example, for a requests meter, you can configure it to show requests per second or requests per hour
duration-units The Java TimeUnit used to report durations, e.g. seconds, milliseconds, etc. For example, for a request timer, you can configure it to show the time taken in seconds or milliseconds
units A fallback to use if rate-units and/or duration-units are not specified, which can simplify the configuration
interval How often the reporter should run, e.g. 60 seconds or 10 minutes. For example, a logging reporter will write a log message once per interval

Logging Reporter

GeoMesa includes a logging reporter using SLF4J.

Configuration Property Description
type Must be slf4j
logger The name of the logger to use, e.g. org.locationtech.geomesa.metrics
level The level to write out log messages at, e.g. info, debug, etc

Example configuration:

  type     = "slf4j"
  units    = "milliseconds"
  interval = "60 seconds"
  logger   = "org.locationtech.geomesa.metrics"
  level    = "debug"

CloudWatch Reporter

The CloudWatch reporter can be included by adding a dependency on org.locationtech.geomesa:geomesa-metrics-cloudwatch_2.11. The CloudWatch reporter uses the default credentials and region specified in your AWS profile config.

Configuration Property Description
type Must be cloudwatch
namespace The CloudWatch namespace to use
raw-counts Boolean - report the raw value of count metrics instead of reporting only the count difference since the last report
zero-values Boolean - POSTs to CloudWatch all values. Otherwise, the reporter does not POST values which are zero in order to save costs

Example configuration:

  type        = "cloudwatch"
  units       = "milliseconds"
  interval    = "60 seconds"
  namespace   = "mynamespace"
  raw-counts  = false
  zero-values = false

Ganglia Reporter

The Ganglia reporter can be included by adding a dependency on org.locationtech.geomesa:geomesa-metrics-ganglia_2.11. Using Ganglia requires additional GPL-licensed dependencies info.ganglia.gmetric4j:gmetric4j:1.0.7 and org.acplt:oncrpc:1.0.7, which are excluded by default.

Configuration Property Description
type Must be ganglia
group The host/group to send events to
port Integer - The port to send events to
addressing-mode One of multicast or unicast
ttl Integer - the time-to-live for Ganglia messages
ganglia311 Boolean - defines the Ganglia protocol version, either v3.1 or v3.0

Example configuration:

  type            = "ganglia"
  group           = "example"
  port            = 8649
  addressing-mode = "multicast"
  ttl             = 32
  ganglia311      = true
  rate-units      = "seconds"
  duration-units  = "milliseconds"
  interval        = "10 seconds"

Graphite Reporter

The Graphite reporter can be included by adding a dependency on org.locationtech.geomesa:geomesa-metrics-graphite_2.11.

Configuration Property Description
type Must be graphite
url The connection string to the Graphite instance
prefix Prefix prepended to all metric names

Example configuration:

  type           = "graphite"
  url            = "localhost:9000"
  prefix         = "example"
  rate-units     = "seconds"
  duration-units = "milliseconds"
  interval       = "10 seconds"


Additional reporters can be added at runtime by implementing org.locationtech.geomesa.metrics.core.ReporterFactory and registering the new class as a service provider.