20.2. Using the Kudu Data Store Programmatically

20.2.1. Creating a Data Store

An instance of a Kudu data store can be obtained through the normal GeoTools discovery methods, assuming that the GeoMesa code is on the classpath.

Map<String, Serializable> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("kudu.master", "localhost");
parameters.put("kudu.catalog", "geomesa");
org.geotools.data.DataStore dataStore =

20.2.2. Kudu Data Store Parameters

The data store takes several parameters (required parameters are marked with *):

Parameter Type Description
kudu.master * String The host name of the Kudu master server
kudu.catalog * String The name of the GeoMesa catalog table
kudu.credentials String Kudu client authentication credentials
kudu.worker.threads String Number of worker threads used by the Kudu connection
kudu.boss.threads String Number of boss threads used by the Kudu connection
kudu.client.stats.disable Boolean Disable Kudu client statistics
geomesa.security.auths String Comma-delimited superset of authorizations that will be used for queries
geomesa.query.audit Boolean Audit queries being run. Queries will be written to a log file
geomesa.query.timeout String The max time a query will be allowed to run before being killed. The timeout is specified as a duration, e.g. 1 minute or 60 seconds
geomesa.query.threads Integer The number of threads to use per query
geomesa.query.loose-bounding-box Boolean Use loose bounding boxes - queries will be faster but may return extraneous results
geomesa.stats.generate Boolean Toggle collection of statistics (currently not implemented)
geomesa.query.caching Boolean Toggle caching of results

More information on using GeoTools can be found in the GeoTools user guide.