13.2. Manual Coprocessors Registration

In most cases, you don’t need to do anything to register coprocessors. If you have installed the GeoMesa distributed runtime JAR under , as detailed in Register the Coprocessors, then coprocessors will be registered automatically.

However, in some situations, you may wish to register the coprocessors in a different way.

13.2.1. Register Site-Wide

It is possible to register the coprocessors in the main hbase-site.xml. To do this simply add the coprocessor classnames to the hbase.coprocessor.user.region.classes key. Note that this requires HBase to be taken offline.


All new and existing non-system tables will have access to the GeoMesa Coprocessor.

13.2.2. Register Per-Table Through the HBase Shell

The HBase shell can be used to register coprocessors on a per-table basis, as shown below. Note that this requires the tables to be offline.

When specifying a coprocessor, the coprocessor must be available on the HBase classpath on all of the master and region servers or you must provide the HDFS URL for the geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR that was deployed in Installing the GeoMesa Distributed Runtime JAR.

To run the hbase shell simply execute:

$ ${HBASE_HOME}/bin/hbase shell
HBase Shell; enter 'help<RETURN>' for list of supported commands.
Type "exit<RETURN>" to leave the HBase Shell

To get a list of the current tables run:

hbase(main):001:0> list
4 row(s) in 0.1380 seconds

You will need to install the coprocessor on all the index tables. The geomesa table in this example is the metadata table and does not need the coprocessor installed.

You can use the alter command to modify the configuration of the tables. The coprocessor parameter in the alter command may be modified to change the registration of the GeoMesa coprocessors.


The ‘value’ of the coprocessor parameter has four parts, separated by |, two of which, HDFS_URL and PRIORITY, are configurable depending on your environment.

  • To provide the HDFS URL of the geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR replace HDFS_URL in the coprocessor value with the HDFS URL. This is only need if the geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR will not be on the classpath by other means.
  • To alter the priority (execution order) of the coprocessor change PRIORITY to the desired value, this is optional and should be left blank if not used.
hbase(main):040:0> alter 'geomesa_QuickStart_id', METHOD => 'table_att', 'coprocessor'=>'|org.locationtech.geomesa.hbase.coprocessor.GeoMesaCoprocessor||'
Updating all regions with the new schema...
22/22 regions updated.
0 row(s) in 5.0000 seconds

hbase(main):041:0> alter 'geomesa_QuickStart_z2', METHOD => 'table_att', 'coprocessor'=>'|org.locationtech.geomesa.hbase.coprocessor.GeoMesaCoprocessor||'
Updating all regions with the new schema...
4/4 regions updated.
0 row(s) in 2.8850 seconds

hbase(main):042:0> alter 'geomesa_QuickStart_z3', METHOD => 'table_att', 'coprocessor'=>'|org.locationtech.geomesa.hbase.coprocessor.GeoMesaCoprocessor||'
Updating all regions with the new schema...
4/4 regions updated.
0 row(s) in 2.9150 seconds

To verify this worked successfully, run:

hbase(main):002:0> describe 'TABLE_NAME'
TABLE_NAME, {TABLE_ATTRIBUTES => {coprocessor$1 => '|org.locationtech.geomesa.hbase.coprocessor.GeoMesaCoprocessor||'}
1 row(s) in 0.1940 seconds

13.2.3. Register Per-Table Via Classpath

If the geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR is on the HBase classpath for the master and all region servers, it will automatically be registered when a GeoMesa table is created. To put the JAR on the classpath, modify the hbase-env.sh file on each node and add the path to the geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR in the HBASE_CLASSPATH property.

13.2.4. Register Per-Table Via GeoMesa Configuration

If the GeoMesa environment is configured correctly, then the coprocessors will be registered when a GeoMesa table is created. The geomesa-hbase-distributed-runtime JAR must be be accessible to the master and all region servers, which typically means it should be located in HDFS or S3.

The path to the JAR can be configured via system property, or directly as a data store parameter.

If using a data store directly, the JAR path can be set with the datastore parameter coprocessor.url.

In any environment, the JAR path can be set via the Java system property geomesa.hbase.coprocessor.path. If using the GeoMesa command-line tools, this may be set in the shell environment using the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable:

export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="${JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS} -Dgeomesa.hbase.coprocessor.path=hdfs://path/to/geomesa-runtime.jar"

Alternatively, it may be set in the geomesa-env.sh script:

setvar CUSTOM_JAVA_OPTS "${JAVA_OPTS} -Dgeomesa.hbase.coprocessor.path=hdfs://path/to/geomesa-runtime.jar"

A third option is to use the geomesa-site.xml configuration file:
