20.12. Using Caches for Enrichment

You can configure a literal cache or an external cache as a lookup table to populate attributes based on an id in the data. This is useful for enriching records with static information from an external source. In the example below, we use the cacheLookup function to resolve the name of a person based on the number in each record. Each cache can be configured to expire records based on an expiration parameter in milliseconds.


  type          = "xml"
  id-field      = "uuid()"
  feature-path  = "Feature" // optional path to feature elements
  options = {
    line-mode = "multi" // or "single"
  caches = {
    names = {
       type = "simple"
       data = {
         123 = {
            name = "Jane"
            email = "bar@baz.com"
         148 = {
            name = "Mary"
            email = "foo@bar.com"
  fields = [
    { name = "number", path = "number",           transform = "$0::integer"       }
    { name = "color",  path = "color",            transform = "trim($0)"          }
    { name = "weight", path = "physical/@weight", transform = "$0::double"        }
    { name = "source", path = "/doc/DataSource/name/text()"                       }
    { name = "lat",    path = "geom/lat",         transform = "$0::double"        }
    { name = "lon",    path = "geom/lon",         transform = "$0::double"        }
    { name = "name",   transform = "cacheLookup('names', $number, 'name')"        }
    { name = "geom",                              transform = "point($lon, $lat)" }


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <physical height="5'11" weight="127.5"/>
        <physical height="h2" weight="150"/>

To configure a Redis cache, specify the caches section as follows:


  caches = {
    redis = {
       type = "redis"
       redis-url = "url_of_redis"
       expiration = 30000 // milliseconds