9.17.7. OpenStreetMap Data

OpenStreetMap is a free, editable map of the whole world that is being built by volunteers largely from scratch and released with an open-content license. Getting OSM data

Various slices of data are available to download here in either XML or the binary PBF format. Nodes vs Ways

OSM files include two data types - nodes and ways. Nodes are point features; ways are line strings composed of several nodes. In order to ingest ways, the relevant nodes must be stored temporarily. By default, the OSM converter will use a file-based H2 database for storing nodes. This may not be sufficient for large files, however. See Ingest Configuration below for details. Tags

OSM tags are stored in a single field as JSON. See JSON Attributes for details on querying and selecting individual tags. Installing OSM Converter

The OSM converter does not ship with the GeoMesa tools by default, due to some dependency conflicts. To install it currently requires the source distribution and Maven. Download or clone the project from Github. Ensure that the version matches your GeoMesa tools version, either by checking out the correct Git branch, or by downloading the appropriate tag. Run the following commands:

mvn clean install -DskipTests
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=compile -DoutputDirectory=$GEOMESA_HOME/lib
cp target/geomesa-convert-osm_2.12-$version.jar $GEOMESA_HOME/lib

Check that the osm-nodes and osm-ways simple feature types are available on the GeoMesa tools classpath:

$ geomesa-accumulo env | grep osm-nodes
$ geomesa-accumulo env | grep osm-ways Ingest Configuration

The OSM converters and simple feature types are defined in $GEOMESA_HOME/conf/sfts/osm/reference.conf. To ingest XML files instead of PBF, you will need to change the format field to xml. For ingesting OSM ways, you may also specify a JDBC connection string for storing nodes. Note that you will need the appropriate JDBC driver JAR in $GEOMESA_HOME/lib Ingest Commands

Run the ingest. You may optionally point to a different accumulo instance using -i and -z options. See geomesa-accumulo help ingest for more detail.

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u USERNAME -c CATALOGNAME -s osm-nodes -C osm-nodes test.osm