9.17.6. NYC Taxi

New York City taxi activity data published by the University of Illinois from Freedom of Information Law requests to NYC Taxi and Limo Commission. More information about the dataset is here.

The University of Illinois hosts the data in a Box web interface and arrives in several zip archives. Only the “trip data” is examined here. There is also “fare data” from the taxi meters such as fare amount and tip. Once unpacked there are monthly CSV files covering four years. Getting the Data

The .zip files are available for download here. Select the desired zip files unzip them into a convenient directory.

The taxi data includes two points and two timestamps per record in the original data. This presents an opportunity for different simple feature type designs.

There is one design where each SFT is either a pickup or dropoff point with a timestamp. The two points share a common trip ID. Internally they are differentiated by hashing the record with either “pickup” or “dropoff” appended. The advantage of this for geomesa demonstrations is dealing with a larger quantity of point data.

In keeping with the original data, there is a two-point feature type as well.

One could also imagine a LineString geometry, however the path is underspecified. Previous analysis of the NYC Taxi data seems to have used Google Maps API calls to propose valid paths through the streets. We do not attempt that in this work. Sample ingest command

Check that the nyctaxi and nyctaxi-single simple feature types are available on the GeoMesa tools classpath. This is the default case.

$ geomesa-accumulo env | grep 'nyctaxi\|nyctaxi-single'

If they are not, merge the contents of reference.conf with $GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/application.conf, or ensure that reference.conf is in $GEOMESA_ACCUMULO_HOME/conf/sfts/nyctaxi. Two record method

To ingest with GeoMesa command line interface, first the pickups:

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -c catalogName -s nyctaxi -C nyctaxi hdfs://namenode:9000/path/to/nyctaxi*

Then the dropoffs ingests the same file with the same simple feature type, but a different converter.

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -c catalogName -s nyctaxi -C nyctaxi-drop hdfs://namenode:9000/path/to/nyctaxi* Single record method

$ geomesa-accumulo ingest -u username -c catalogName -s nyctaxi-single -C nyctaxi-single.conf hdfs://namenode:9000/path/to/nyctaxi*