GeoMesa Kafka Quick Start¶
This tutorial is the fastest and easiest way to get started with GeoMesa using Kafka for streaming data. It is a good stepping-stone on the path to the other tutorials, that present increasingly involved examples of how to use GeoMesa.
About this Tutorial¶
In the spirit of keeping things simple, the code in this tutorial only does a few small things:
Establishes a new (static) SimpleFeatureType
Prepares the Kafka topic to write this type of data
Creates a few thousand example SimpleFeatures
Writes these SimpleFeatures to the Kafka topic
Visualize the changing data in GeoServer (optional)
Creates event listeners for SimpleFeature updates (optional)
The quick start operates by simultaneously querying and writing several thousand feature updates. The same feature identifier is used for each update, so there will only be a single “live” feature at any one time.
The data used is from New York City taxi activity data published by the University of Illinois. More information about the dataset is available here.
For this demo, only a single taxi is being tracked.
Apache Kafka is “publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log.”
In the context of GeoMesa, Kafka is a useful tool for working with streams of geospatial data. Interaction with Kafka in GeoMesa occurs through the KafkaDataStore which implements the GeoTools DataStore interface.
Before you begin, you must have the following installed and configured:
Ensure your Kafka and Zookeeper instances are running. You can use Kafka’s quickstart to get Kafka/Zookeeper instances up and running quickly.
Configure GeoServer (optional)¶
You can use GeoServer to access and visualize the data stored in GeoMesa. In order to use GeoServer, download and install version 2.22.2. Then follow the instructions in Installing GeoMesa Kafka in GeoServer to enable GeoMesa.
Download and Build the Tutorial¶
Pick a reasonable directory on your machine, and run:
$ git clone
$ cd geomesa-tutorials
Make sure that you download or checkout the version of the tutorials project that corresponds to your GeoMesa version. See About Tutorial Versions for more details.
To ensure that the quick start works with your environment, modify the pom.xml
to set the appropriate versions for Kafka, Zookeeper, etc.
For ease of use, the project builds a bundled artifact that contains all the required dependencies in a single JAR. To build, run:
$ mvn clean install -pl geomesa-tutorials-kafka/geomesa-tutorials-kafka-quickstart -am
Running the Tutorial¶
On the command line, run:
$ java -cp geomesa-tutorials-kafka/geomesa-tutorials-kafka-quickstart/target/geomesa-tutorials-kafka-quickstart-$VERSION.jar \
org.geomesa.example.kafka.KafkaQuickStart \
--kafka.brokers <brokers> \
--kafka.zookeepers <zookeepers>
where you provide the following arguments:
your Kafka broker instances, comma separated. For a local install, this would belocalhost:9092
your Zookeeper nodes, comma separated. For a local install, this would belocalhost:2181
Optionally, you can also specify that the quick start should delete its data upon completion. Use the
flag when you run to enable this behavior.
Once run, the quick start will create the Kafka topic, then pause and prompt you to register the layer in GeoServer. If you do not want to use GeoServer, you can skip this step. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the next section before returning here.
Once you continue, the tutorial should run for approximately thirty seconds. You should see the following output:
Loading datastore
Creating schema: taxiId:String,dtg:Date,geom:Point
Generating test data
Feature type created - register the layer 'tdrive-quickstart' in geoserver with bounds: MinX[116.22366] MinY[39.72925] MaxX[116.58804] MaxY[40.09298]
Press <enter> to continue
Writing features to Kafka... refresh GeoServer layer preview to see changes
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-03T04:32:53.000Z|POINT (116.35 39.90003)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-03T17:58:49.000Z|POINT (116.38812 39.93196)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-04T06:46:26.000Z|POINT (116.40218 39.94439)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-04T19:55:45.000Z|POINT (116.3631 39.94646)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-05T09:39:48.000Z|POINT (116.58264 40.07556)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-05T22:24:50.000Z|POINT (116.34112 39.95363)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-06T14:17:29.000Z|POINT (116.54203 39.91476)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-07T02:53:55.000Z|POINT (116.35683 39.89809)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-07T15:48:47.000Z|POINT (116.36785 39.99471)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-08T04:20:19.000Z|POINT (116.42872 39.91531)
Current consumer state:
1277=1277|2008-02-08T17:14:15.000Z|POINT (116.34609 39.93924)
Visualize Data With GeoServer (optional)¶
You can use GeoServer to access and visualize the data stored in GeoMesa. In order to use GeoServer, download and install version 2.22.2. Then follow the instructions in Installing GeoMesa Kafka in GeoServer to enable GeoMesa.
Register the GeoMesa Store with GeoServer¶
Log into GeoServer using your user and password credentials. Click
“Stores” and “Add new Store”. Select the Kafka (GeoMesa)
vector data
source, and fill in the required parameters.
Basic store info:
this is dependent upon your GeoServer installationdata source name
pick a sensible name, such asgeomesa_quick_start
this is strictly decorative;GeoMesa quick start
Connection parameters:
these are the same parameter values that you supplied on the command line when you ran the tutorial; they describe how to connect to the Kafka instance where your data resides
Click “Save”, and GeoServer will search Zookeeper for any GeoMesa-managed feature types.
Publish the Layer¶
If you have already run the command to start the tutorial, then GeoServer should recognize the
feature type, and should present that as a layer that can be published. Click on the
“Publish” link. If not, then run the tutorial as described above in Running the Tutorial. When
the tutorial pauses, go to “Layers” and “Add new Layer”. Select the GeoMesa Kafka store you just
created, and then click “publish” on the tdrive-quickstart
You will be taken to the Edit Layer screen. You will need to enter values for the data bounding boxes. For this demo, use the values MinX: 116.22366, MinY: 39.72925, MaxX: 116.58804, MaxY: 40.09298.
Click on the “Save” button when you are done.
Take a Look¶
Click on the “Layer Preview” link in the left-hand gutter. If you don’t
see the quick-start layer on the first page of results, enter the name
of the layer you just created into the search box, and press
At first, there will be no data displayed. Once you have reached this point, return to the quick start console and hit “<enter>” to continue the tutorial. As the data is updated in Kafka, you can refresh the layer preview page to see the feature moving around.
What’s Happening in GeoServer¶
The layer preview of GeoServer uses the KafkaFeatureStore
to show a
real time view of the current state of the data stream. There is a single
being updated over time in Kafka which is
reflected in the GeoServer display.
As you refresh the page, you should see the SimpleFeature
move around.
Due to the nature of the taxi’s routes, and the speed up of time in replaying
the data, there isn’t much of a pattern to the movement.
Looking at the Code¶
The source code is meant to be accessible for this tutorial. The logic is contained in
the generic org.geomesa.example.quickstart.GeoMesaQuickStart
in the geomesa-quickstart-common
and the Kafka-specific org.geomesa.example.kafka.KafkaQuickStart
in the geomesa-quickstart-kafka
Some relevant methods are:
overridden in theKafkaQuickStart
to use the input configuration to get a pair of datastore instances, one for writing and one for reading data.createSchema
create the schema in the datastore, as a pre-requisite to writing datawriteFeatures
overridden in theKafkaQuickStart
to simultaneously write and read features from KafkaqueryFeatures
not used in this tutorialcleanup
delete the sample data and dispose of the datastore instance
The quickstart uses a small subset of taxi data. Code for parsing the data into GeoTools SimpleFeatures is
contained in
creates theSimpleFeatureType
representing the datagetTestData
parses an embedded CSV file to createSimpleFeature
not used in this tutorial
Listening for Feature Events (optional)¶
The GeoTools API also includes a mechanism to fire off a
each time there is an event in a DataStore
(typically when the data is changed). A client may implement a
which has a single method called changed()
that is invoked as each
is fired.
The code in KafkaListener
implements a simple FeatureListener
that prints the messages received. Open up a second terminal window and
$ java -cp geomesa-tutorials-kafka/geomesa-tutorials-kafka-quickstart/target/geomesa-tutorials-kafka-quickstart-$VERSION.jar \
org.geomesa.example.kafka.KafkaListener \
--kafka.brokers <brokers> \
--kafka.zookeepers <zookeepers>
Use the same settings for <brokers>
and <zookeepers>
that you did previously. Then
in the original terminal window, re-run the KafkaQuickStart
code as
before. The KafkaListener
terminal should produce messages like the
Received FeatureEvent from schema 'tdrive-quickstart' of type 'CHANGED'
1277=1277|2008-02-02T13:34:51.000Z|POINT (116.32674 39.89577)
The KafkaListener
code will run until interrupted (typically with ctrl-c).
The portion of KafkaListener
that creates and implements the
FeatureListener listener = featureEvent -> {
System.out.println("Received FeatureEvent from schema '" + typeName + "' of type '" + featureEvent.getType() + "'");
if (featureEvent.getType() == FeatureEvent.Type.CHANGED &&
featureEvent instanceof KafkaFeatureChanged) {
System.out.println(DataUtilities.encodeFeature(((KafkaFeatureChanged) featureEvent).feature()));
} else if (featureEvent.getType() == FeatureEvent.Type.REMOVED) {
System.out.println("Received Delete for filter: " + featureEvent.getFilter());
(note the use of a lambda expression to create the listener)